Its time of the year when families wait to be reunited. Sivayyan, Shir and traditional foods are cooked with excitement through out the chand raat (the moon night), although not eaten by a lot of people with so much enthusiasm next day. Not that they are not delicious but people having just finished up with a month of fasting are wary and usually have upset tummies pretty early time of the day. The non-muslims friends are the one who actually enjoy eating them, unsatiated and usually asking for more.
The morning starts very early: wearing traditional clothes, tasting something sweet and going to the mosque for prayer.
Its the kids who have the most fun during the day. They get Eidi (eid money) from all the relatives who visit their houses after the prayers and sometimes the bold ones voluntarily visit people and collect it almost like tax.
Chacha aapne mujhe abhi tak eidi nahi di ? ( Uncle, you haven't given me any Eidi still?)
Grown ups don't find any excitement in wearing new clothes and also they have to go to each house giving away money. Although nobody complains about it and everybody prepares for it in advance gathering up changed currency notes in all denominations, but its still not fun and it becomes more like an imposed duty the more you grow up each year.
They will be trying to finish up all the houses in the town fast so they could get back home rest and invite their friends home.
Sometimes when the houses of special ones are farther away, they are left for the second day. As Eid is popularly celebrated for three days in south asia.
If the houses are even further away, they are left even for a month but Eidi is still given when a visit is made by either party.
Eid is not only about eidi though but it has got something and this is why everybody waits for it.
Some of them who don't fast wait for it so they would get their freedom back and some just wait for it for its special charm which can't be described in words.
For almost all, Eid is special though and most, if not all, wait for it. If some people are abroad or far way from home, they get a reason to be with family and enjoy.
Eid Excitement
Posted by Humayun | Filed under celebration day, eid, eid ul fitr, hari raya
Comments (0) | Thursday, October 01, 2009
The hunger
Posted by Humayun | Filed under materialism, soul
and a man sat alone drenched deep in sadness
and all the animals drew near him and said:
we do not like to see you so sad...
Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it.
The man said: I want to have good sight.
The vulture replied you shall have mine.
The man said: I want to be strong.
The jaguar said: you shall be strong like me.
Then the man said: I want to know the secrets of the earth.
The serpent replied: I will show them to you.
And so it went with all the animals.
And when man had all the gifts, he left.
Then the owl said to the other animals:
"Now the man knows much and is able to many things."
The deer said: "The man has all that he needs. Now his sadness will stop."
But the owl replied: "No, I saw a hole in the Man, Deep like a hunger he will never fill."
It is what makes him sad and what makes him want. he will go on taking and taking.
Until one day the world will say: "I am no more and I have nothing to give."
You reach out to grasp and you never grasp.
Comments (0) | Monday, May 18, 2009
What is Cool and what is not?
Posted by Humayun | Filed under accolades, achievements, applause, awards, certificates, cool, uncool
1. A new unbreakable record in the latest computer game?
2. Knowledge and imitation of the latest trivia and fashion and talks and gossip about whats happening?
3. Being a Rocking guitarist or a pop singer?
4. An affair when you were in junior school?
5. Being a Basket ball champion?
6. A "very" foreign accent?
7. Branded Accessories?
8. Cigarettes or Alcohol?
9. A hot girlfriend?
10. Admission in some topnotch University?
11. All latest gadgets?
12. A PR of a so called modern country?
13. A name made similar to sounding that of westerners?
14. Foreign travel?
15. Enough money to splurge?
16. High profile Job?
17. On the Covers of some glitzy magazine?
18. Being a Top model?
19. Hollywood?
20. NASA?
21. Oscars?
22. Heisman trophy?
23. Nobel or Pulitzer Prize?
and etc. etc.
None of them. I believe none of them. Its that, we seek happiness in a lot of things. We say, we will be happy after we get this or we get that. But after we achieve something, we realize how worthless it had been and we are still unhappy and discontented, so we set another goal for us. I am not saying that we stop setting goals and stop all effort to achieve them. but what I mean is, we should set realistic and more meaningful goals and do our best to achieve them. And be happy, contented and thankful to our Creator and Sustainer through out our life.
Another point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. They are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners. And best of all, they don't even reach their graves. Do they?
Its for your own self to decide whats cool and whats not?
Comments (0) | Monday, March 09, 2009
The beautiful Present
Posted by Humayun | Filed under "don't be sad", past, present
By Brooding over the past and its tragedies, one exhibits a form of insanity - a kind of sickness that destroys the resolve to live for the present moment. Those who have a firm purpose have filed away and forgotten occurrences of the past, which will never again see light, since they occupy such a dark place in the recesses of the mind. Episodes of the past are finished with; sadness cannot retrieve them, melancholy cannot make things right, and depression will never bring the past back to life. This is because the past is non-existent.
One should not live in the nightmares of former times or under the shade that one has missed. Lets Save ourselves from the ghostly apparition of the past. Do we think that we can return the sun to its place of rising, the baby to its mother's womb, milk to the udder, or tears to the eye? By constantly dwelling on the past and its happenings, we place ourselves in a very frightful and tragic state of mind.
Reading too much into the past is a waste of the present. When Allah mentioned the affaires of the previous nations, He, the Exalted, said
That was a nation who has passed away. Quran 2:134
Former days are gone and done with, and we benefit nothing by carrying out an autopsy over them, by turning back the wheels of history.
Our tragedy is that we are incapable of dealing with the present neglecting our beautiful castles, we wail over dilapidated buildings. If everyman and every jinn were to try jointly to bring back the past they would most certainly fail. Everything on earth forwards, preparing for a new season - and so should we.
Comments (0) | Sunday, February 01, 2009
So much for the Anti-Semitism...
Posted by Humayun | Filed under Israel, Jew, Noah, race, semite, Zionism, Zionist
I was forced to write about it. A jew would cry foul and call you anti-semitic whenever you say anything against them or Israel.
Semites: Descendents of Shem, Son of Noah (peace be upon him). The present day Arabs and some Jews are their descendants. These peoples are grouped under the classing Semitic peoples, chiefly because the languages Hebrew and Arabic (in addition to Aramaic and Amharic) were found to be related, deriving from a common language group. The Arabs, be they Muslims or Christians, are Semites.
And the irony of the situation is that not all Jews are semitic, There is strong evidence to suggest that many present-day Jews, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, are ethnically not Semitic, or only fractionally Semitic. Their ethnicity is primarily Eastern European, while they have maintained merely the cultural shell of their Semitic roots. This naturally does not hold true for Iraqi, Moroccan, and Yemeni Jews, among other small pockets of truly Semitic Jews.
If a Muslim is accused of anti-Semitism for his or her criticism of Zionism, he or she should remind their accusers that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was as purely Semitic as is humanly possible, and there is none that we as Muslims revere and love more than him. An Arab Muslim should simply say, "Hey, I'm Semitic."
Zionism is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine.
The Zionist propaganda machine uses anti-Semitism as a tool to instantly dismiss and cast a cloud of incredibility over its opponents. It is a clever ploy to counter all criticism of Israel’s unjust policies. Few educated people are aware of the Israeli government's gross infractions of the Geneva Convention, as it carries on its increasingly brutal ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinians in favor of the "racially superior" Jewish settlers. Israel is an apartheid state by definition.
It is clear that Muslims have no business to oppose Judaism or the Jewish people as such; their criticisms must be directed only against the racist Zionist paradigm. In fact, Muslims must give special respect to the Jews as they are considered People of the Book, along with the Christians, according to the injunctions of the Qur'an. Muslims equally revere the prophets whom the Jews consider as theirs. All these prophets were the prophets of God and the religion they taught was the same religion, namely Submission to God (literally: Islam).
Comments (2) | Sunday, January 18, 2009