I was forced to write about it. A jew would cry foul and call you anti-semitic whenever you say anything against them or Israel.
Semites: Descendents of Shem, Son of Noah (peace be upon him). The present day Arabs and some Jews are their descendants. These peoples are grouped under the classing Semitic peoples, chiefly because the languages Hebrew and Arabic (in addition to Aramaic and Amharic) were found to be related, deriving from a common language group. The Arabs, be they Muslims or Christians, are Semites.
And the irony of the situation is that not all Jews are semitic, There is strong evidence to suggest that many present-day Jews, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, are ethnically not Semitic, or only fractionally Semitic. Their ethnicity is primarily Eastern European, while they have maintained merely the cultural shell of their Semitic roots. This naturally does not hold true for Iraqi, Moroccan, and Yemeni Jews, among other small pockets of truly Semitic Jews.
If a Muslim is accused of anti-Semitism for his or her criticism of Zionism, he or she should remind their accusers that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was as purely Semitic as is humanly possible, and there is none that we as Muslims revere and love more than him. An Arab Muslim should simply say, "Hey, I'm Semitic."
Zionism is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine.
The Zionist propaganda machine uses anti-Semitism as a tool to instantly dismiss and cast a cloud of incredibility over its opponents. It is a clever ploy to counter all criticism of Israel’s unjust policies. Few educated people are aware of the Israeli government's gross infractions of the Geneva Convention, as it carries on its increasingly brutal ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinians in favor of the "racially superior" Jewish settlers. Israel is an apartheid state by definition.
It is clear that Muslims have no business to oppose Judaism or the Jewish people as such; their criticisms must be directed only against the racist Zionist paradigm. In fact, Muslims must give special respect to the Jews as they are considered People of the Book, along with the Christians, according to the injunctions of the Qur'an. Muslims equally revere the prophets whom the Jews consider as theirs. All these prophets were the prophets of God and the religion they taught was the same religion, namely Submission to God (literally: Islam).
So much for the Anti-Semitism...
Posted by Humayun | Filed under Israel, Jew, Noah, race, semite, Zionism, Zionist
Comments (2) | Sunday, January 18, 2009