1. A new unbreakable record in the latest computer game?
2. Knowledge and imitation of the latest trivia and fashion and talks and gossip about whats happening?
3. Being a Rocking guitarist or a pop singer?
4. An affair when you were in junior school?
5. Being a Basket ball champion?
6. A "very" foreign accent?
7. Branded Accessories?
8. Cigarettes or Alcohol?
9. A hot girlfriend?
10. Admission in some topnotch University?
11. All latest gadgets?
12. A PR of a so called modern country?
13. A name made similar to sounding that of westerners?
14. Foreign travel?
15. Enough money to splurge?
16. High profile Job?
17. On the Covers of some glitzy magazine?
18. Being a Top model?
19. Hollywood?
20. NASA?
21. Oscars?
22. Heisman trophy?
23. Nobel or Pulitzer Prize?
and etc. etc.
None of them. I believe none of them. Its that, we seek happiness in a lot of things. We say, we will be happy after we get this or we get that. But after we achieve something, we realize how worthless it had been and we are still unhappy and discontented, so we set another goal for us. I am not saying that we stop setting goals and stop all effort to achieve them. but what I mean is, we should set realistic and more meaningful goals and do our best to achieve them. And be happy, contented and thankful to our Creator and Sustainer through out our life.
Another point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. They are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners. And best of all, they don't even reach their graves. Do they?
Its for your own self to decide whats cool and whats not?
What is Cool and what is not?
Posted by Humayun | Filed under accolades, achievements, applause, awards, certificates, cool, uncool
Comments (0) | Monday, March 09, 2009